Hi Reader, Most people are waiting. Waiting for clarity.Waiting for the right time.Waiting for someone else to make the call. But here’s the truth: No one is coming to tell you what to do next. And that’s the best news you’ll hear all day. One thing you're going to hear me start to talk about a lot more is self-leadership. What is self-leadership and why does it matter? Let me tell you. Self-leadership is about choice. It’s realizing that no one is going to come save you, give you...
12 days ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader! Over the past few weeks, Sadie and I have been doing some really deep work on the vision and mission for our rebrand of Life Intended. One of the most exciting (and honestly, clarifying) parts of this process has been defining our core values. And not just what we value as individuals, but the values that Life Intended will stand for as a brand and community. I've done work on helping people and businesses identify their values for the past 10+ years and going through this process...
18 days ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader! In our constant journey toward a balanced life, we often focus on the "big" areas: career, relationships, health, and finances. Don't get me wrong, those are important. But what about having fun? What about joy? That spark of lightness, playfulness, and fun that makes life feel fun and you feel alive? In our upcoming The Balanced Life coaching program, Sadie and I dive into the neglected but essential theme of Joy & Fun. Our week of Joy is all about reconnecting with the things...
26 days ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, Balance. Presence. Being where your feet are. That sounds good, right? That’s some version of what we’re all working towards, isn’t it? Sunday, at a goal-setting workshop I attended called Activate, I was struck by two very different perspectives from two incredible women. One shared that she’s working on compartmentalizing her life—being a business owner, her role as a mom, her marriage—so she can be fully present in each area. Instead of letting it all blend together, she’s...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Reader, Have you ever felt that subtle pull in a certain direction or a quiet voice within urging you to take—or avoid—a step? That’s your intuition. It’s the inner compass we all have, yet so often ignore in favor of logic, noise, or the opinions of others. During the last Women’s Circle I co-facilitated with Sadie Wackett, we spent time reflecting on our knowing, our intuition, and the decisions we’ve made—both when we’ve listened to it and when we haven’t. In that reflection, I had a...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, Did you know that last Friday was "Quitters Day"? You know, the second Friday in January where most people have already quit or given up on their New Year's Resolutions. I hope you're not in that group! But, if you are, or already struggling, I have something that I think can help. Not just with a resolution, but with your intentions for your life. Your morning routine. Like it or not, you already have a morning routine. It might not feel intentional, but it’s there. If you’re...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader! Everywhere you look right now, someone’s telling you how to plan your year. Resolutions, vision boards, endless to-do lists—it’s overwhelming, right? But here’s the thing: most of these methods fail because they’re focused on motivation, not meaning. Resolutions often fade because they lack real intention. Motivation will only get you so far, which usually isn't far enough. And I'm guessing if you've set resolutions before, you already know this. What if, instead of resolutions,...
2 months ago • 1 min read
Hi Reader, The holidays are full of joy and celebration, but let’s be honest: they can leave us feeling more exhausted than energized. Between the travel, the social commitments, and the endless to-do lists, it’s easy to feel like you need a holiday from the holidays. I know it's New Year's Eve and we're almost to the other side, but I also know if you don't approach renewal with intention, it just won't happen. And wouldn't starting 2025 refreshed and not worn-down be amazing? Even if it...
2 months ago • 1 min read
Hi Reader, Happy Christmas Eve! I hope today and the next few are full of joy and love. And if they aren't, it's ok. That's why I wrote today's message. And as promised, it's (relatively:)) brief! I know you probably have plenty to do! The holidays have a way of magnifying everything we feel. They bring joy, connection, and celebration—but they can also stir up grief, stress, and anxiety. And that's okay. Two things can be true at once. You can feel deeply grateful for the people in your life...
2 months ago • 1 min read