[Life Intended] 3 Ways to Come Out of the Holiday Haze Energized

Hi Reader,

The holidays are full of joy and celebration, but let’s be honest: they can leave us feeling more exhausted than energized. Between the travel, the social commitments, and the endless to-do lists, it’s easy to feel like you need a holiday from the holidays.

I know it's New Year's Eve and we're almost to the other side, but I also know if you don't approach renewal with intention, it just won't happen.

And wouldn't starting 2025 refreshed and not worn-down be amazing?

Even if it happens on Monday the 6th instead of the 1st, that's ok!

Here are three simple ways to come out of the holiday haze feeling energized instead of drained:

  1. Prioritize Rest: Give yourself permission to slow down. Take a nap, sleep in, or spend an afternoon doing nothing. Still have plans you feel too tired for? You can say no. Rest is productive when it allows you to recharge. And a quick note on this one, rest with a book, magazine or anything other than scrolling on your phone.
  2. Reconnect with Routine: The holidays can throw us off our rhythm. You can say that again! I mean, what day is it?! Ease back into your favorite habits—whether it’s morning coffee in solitude, a workout, or journaling to clear your mind. Don't go from 0-100 on Monday morning. That's a rude awakening and an invitation for anxiety and overwhelm.
  3. Practice Gratitude: Reflect on the moments that brought you joy during the holidays, big or small. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s overwhelming to what’s fulfilling. And a bonus here - if something felt particularly joyful or left your heart feeling really full, see how you can do more of that in 2025!

The holidays are a season for sure, but how you care for yourself afterward sets the tone for the new year. Start the new year with intention, energy, and clarity.

Wishing you peace and restoration, Reader.

See you in 2025!

Kelly Berry
Strategic Leader, Coach and Podcaster


Bridge Road, Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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Kelly Berry

Strategic Leader, Coach & Podcaster 🎧 Stories that spark change 💡 Tips, tales, and tools for living intentionally ✨ Enjoy your journey

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