[Life Intended] 2 things can be true at the same time

Hi Reader,

Happy Christmas Eve! I hope today and the next few are full of joy and love. And if they aren't, it's ok. That's why I wrote today's message. And as promised, it's (relatively:)) brief! I know you probably have plenty to do!

The holidays have a way of magnifying everything we feel. They bring joy, connection, and celebration—but they can also stir up grief, stress, and anxiety.

And that's okay.

Two things can be true at once.

You can feel deeply grateful for the people in your life and still deeply miss someone who isn’t here.

Your heart can be full from the joy and blessings you have while it breaks for someone who is going through something really hard.

You can enjoy the holiday magic while feeling drained by the hustle it requires.

You can love the traditions and still crave something different.

If this is something you're experiencing right now and want a way to work through these feelings differently, here’s how:

  1. Name What You’re Feeling: Acknowledge the emotions that come up. Naming them helps you understand and process them. (This works wonders all of the time, by the way!) Emotions are complex so if you notice and name and still feel a little confused, take a look here to see what may be a layer deeper.
  2. Share it: You can do this in whatever way feels best or works for you in the moment. You can journal about it - even jotting a quick note in your phone. You can talk to someone about it. You can speak it out loud to yourself - again a voice note on your phone works great. This type of processing helps you get those emotions out. Remember from a previous episode, emotions are energy + motion. They are meant to move through you, not be held onto.
  3. Create Space for Both: Once you have a better understanding of what you're feeling, celebrate the good and allow yourself time to reflect on the hard. Both deserve attention. Remember, we are complex beings with complex emotions and it’s part of the human experience to hold multiple emotions at once.

This coming year, let’s embrace the full spectrum of our humanity. Because when we do, we show up more authentically—for ourselves and the people we love.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Happy Holidays!

Kelly Berry
Strategic Leader, Coach and Podcaster


Bridge Road, Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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Kelly Berry

Strategic Leader, Coach & Podcaster 🎧 Stories that spark change 💡 Tips, tales, and tools for living intentionally ✨ Enjoy your journey

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