[Life Intended] Burnout, Autopilot, and Unhappiness: Here’s what they have in common

Hey Reader!

Over the past few weeks, Sadie and I have been doing some really deep work on the vision and mission for our rebrand of Life Intended. One of the most exciting (and honestly, clarifying) parts of this process has been defining our core values. And not just what we value as individuals, but the values that Life Intended will stand for as a brand and community.

I've done work on helping people and businesses identify their values for the past 10+ years and going through this process again has reaffirmed something I’ve long believed: knowing your personal values is one of the most foundational parts of living an intentional life. And it's not just an exercise to complete or box to check - it's really critical to living a life that feels good and frictionless.

Why do values really matter? Because so many of the challenges people face like burnout, feeling stuck and living on autopilot aren’t just random struggles or the result of never-ending to-do lists. More often than not, they’re actually symptoms of misalignment.

You're not doing the things or living in a way that aligns with your values.

When you don’t know what truly matters to you, it’s easy to default to what’s expected, what’s comfortable, or what society tells you is "successful."

But when your actions, decisions, and even the way you spend your time don’t match your core values, there’s an inevitable tension that builds up.

This is really easy to notice or even physically feel if you're in a group of people that don't align with your values or working for/in a business that doesn't align with your values, but it's hard to see when it's you in your own life.

The good news? You already have values.

Even if you haven’t consciously identified or named them yet, they’re there, quietly shaping your choices and emotions. The key is bringing them into the light so you can intentionally align your life with them.

If you’re not sure what your values are, here’s a simple but powerful exercise:

  1. Reflect on Peak Moments: Think about three times in your life when you felt truly fulfilled, proud, or in flow. What was happening? Who were you with? What made those moments meaningful?
  2. Find the Common Themes: Look at those moments and identify the qualities that made them special. Was it connection? Freedom? Growth? Adventure? Service?
  3. Narrow It Down: From your themes, choose 3-5 words or phrases that deeply resonate with you. These are likely your core values.
  4. Check for Alignment: Ask yourself this question: Does the way I currently live, work, and make decisions reflect these values? If not, what small shifts could I make?

As Sadie and I refine where we're taking Life Intended, we’re making sure every part of it reflects our values. While we’re still shaping the final language, some of the themes emerging include resilience, compassionate kindness, connection, advocacy and self-leadership—all essential for living with intention.

I can’t wait to continue to share more as we bring this new vision to life. But for now, I encourage you to take 10 minutes this week to explore your own values. And bonus if you're feeling really motivated - do this for yourself, get your partner to do it and then compare! Your future self will thank you.

With intention,

Kelly Berry
Strategic Leader, Coach and Podcaster


Bridge Road, Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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Kelly Berry

Strategic Leader, Coach & Podcaster 🎧 Stories that spark change 💡 Tips, tales, and tools for living intentionally ✨ Enjoy your journey

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